Farmington Athletics would like to introduce our 2020-2021 Arena Level sponsors! Thank you Collier & Associates for your generous support of Farmington Athletics and our community! #CardinalNation #Cardstudentsareworthit

We would like to congratulate Mr. Spillars and the Farmington Crimson Regiment for receiving a rating of EXCELLENT at the State Competition last week! They were also one of the only bands in the state to compete virtually! #cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Daily Events 11-2 through 11-6. #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit

Our 1st food bank distribution will be Friday, Nov 13th! If interested you can get a sign up form from your child's school and return it to the school or to foodbank@farmcards.org. If you want anymore information please contact Vicky Garvin at the email address above. Thank You!

Cardinal Football will visit the Alma Airedales tonight at Airedale Stadium for a AAAAA West Conference match-up! #CardinalNation
🆚️ Alma
🥇 AAAAA West
🏟 Alma, AR
⏰ 7:00pm
📱Farmington Cardinal Athletics -App Store
🔔 @farmcards

Senior 2021 parents...Project Graduation parent meeting Sunday, November 8 at 7pm in the High School Commons area. We would love to have everyone there to give their ideas, help decide, organize and volunteer so we can provide our seniors with as normal of a project graduation as possible! Can’t make the meeting or have questions, contact Melissa Payne 479.883.5130.

Farmington Daily Events 11-2 through 11-6. #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit

Best of luck and safe travels to our Cross Country Teams as they go to Hot Springs today! #CardinalNation #Cardstudentsareworthit

Good luck @farmcards Cross Country at the 4A State Meet on Friday! Parents- if you plan on attending you must by tickets online through the AAA site. #CardinalNation
Buy tickets here: aractivities.org/tickets?fbclid…

Every school throughout the state is dealing with the challenge of quarantining students during this pandemic. Here is a video with FMS students Weston Huckeba and Addie Wilmoth regarding quarantine information! https://5il.co/mdw4 #cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Parents- Cold weather has hit and more activities have to occur indoors at our schools. Please stay diligent by making sure our students have a mask everyday, wash their hands, and practice social distancing! #keepourkidssafe #cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Public Schools strives to keep our students, staff, and community safe! Please click here for an important public safety announcement regarding quarantines and COVID-19 protocols. https://5il.co/m4g4 #cardstudentsareworthit

The district is working to protect our students and staff with our partnership with Arkansas company Eason Freedom. They were on all campuses today to test bacteria and viral loads on high touch surfaces using their patented bac-trak technology. #cardstudentsareworthit

Mrs. Cooper's Life Skills Class at Farmington High School collected socks, hats and gloves for the homeless! Great things happening at all of our schools! Thank you for teaching the value of service to our community! #cardstudentsareworthit

We are excited to let our fans know that our athletics app has a NEW look and features! Update your Farmington Cardinal Athletic App or download today! Search "Farmington Cardinal Athletics" in the app store to download! #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Daily Events 11-2 through 11-6. #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit

Senior 2021 parents...Project Graduation parent meeting Sunday, November 8 at 7pm in the High School Commons area. We would love to have everyone there to give their ideas, help decide, organize and volunteer so we can provide our seniors with as normal of a project graduation as possible! Can’t make the meeting or have questions, contact Melissa Payne 479.883.5130.

Mrs. Bolin's Red Ribbon Week door decorations at Farmington High School!!! #cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Daily Events 11-2 through 11-6. #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit

Students- Did you bring your lunch from home? You can add fruit, milk and vegetable for free from the school cafeteria! #cardstudentsareworthit