Welcome to Farmington Coach Johnson! #cardstudentsareworthit #CardinalNation
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Welcome home Coach Lewis! #cardstudentsarewortit #CardinalNation
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
We are doing Returning Student Registration a little differently this year. You will register your returning student online and then after registration is complete and when schedules are ready, we will give you access to HAC to be able to see your student's schedule for this school year. In order to register online, you will receive an email from Farmington Junior High School tomorrow (August 5) that includes a link and instructions on how to register your student. Please be on the look out for this email. For brand new students registering, please visit the main office for more information.
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
FJHS is pleased to welcome Anna Johnson as our new 7th grade health teacher and head junior high volleyball coach. Coach Johnson most recently served as an intern for a Woodland Junior High School. Coach has been working hard all summer to prepare our volleyball athletes for the upcoming season. Join us in welcoming her to FJHS!
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
FJHS would like to welcome Joseph Armendariz as our new 8th grade English teacher. Mr. Armendariz has previously taught in the same role for Oakdale Middle School in Rogers, and has also worked for Fayetteville Schools. We are excited to have him on board, please join us in welcoming Mr. Armendariz!
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
Head over to @knwanews to check out the news story about the @FJHS_artclub and their work with local artist, Octavio Lago.
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
FJHS would like to welcome Spencer Hulse as our new 8th grade math teacher and 7th grade head basketball coach! Spencer has previously served as a high school math teacher at Lincoln High School, Siloam Springs High School, and Farmington High School. We are not only excited about his addition to our athletic program, but also his addition to our math department. Please join us in welcoming him to FJHS!
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
Meal applications for the 20-21 school year are now available online. You can scan the QR code or visit myschoolapps.com #ourstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
It’s that time of year again where we at FJHS would like to introduce our new faculty members for the upcoming school year. A familiar face to Farmington, but new to our school, Rachel Lawrence will be joining FJHS as our new counselor. Ms. Lawrence has previously served as the counselor for Farmington Middle School. We are excited to have Ms. Lawrence join our FJHS family, please join us in welcoming her on board!
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
FJHS general supply list for students attending face-to-face. For any questions regarding the supply list, please contact 479-266-1881.
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
Supply List
Great day today as FJHS played host for new employee orientation for newly hired district employees. Picture above is Mr. Laffoon welcoming the crowd. #ourstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
FJHS families, we want to hear feedback from you. FJHS will be creating a document that includes answers to frequently asked questions. Please take a moment to add any questions you have regarding the upcoming school year at the link below. bit.ly/FJHSFAQ
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
Just a reminder, there is still time to sign up for Farmington Virtual Academy! FVA is a K-12 100% online virtual academic program. More information about FVA can be found here: 5il.co/idbr You can sign your student until July 31st here: bit.ly/3h2JGKE #ourstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
Farmington School District's Ready for Learning Committee has released information regarding the 2020-2021 School year. Information can be found at the following link: bit.ly/farmcardsrfl
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
FJHS is proud to announce that we will be adding additional Project Lead the Way classes for our students. FJHS will be adding three classes in the 8th grade, which include Medical Detectives, Flight & Space, and Design & Modeling. All students interested in taking the course need to visit the following link: bit.ly/fjhspltw to sign-up. For additional information regarding Project Lead the Way curriculum, you can follow this link: bit.ly/pltwinfo. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. McClung at 479-266-1881.
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
Quick check in on the progress by FJHS Art Club and their work on the Chick Holler mural.
over 4 years ago, Farmington Junior High School
FJHS Art Club Student Mural
FJHS Art Club students working with @octavio_logo on the mural that will be going up at @chickenholler in the coming weeks.
over 4 years ago, Joe McClung
Students in the priming phase of their mural project.
Farmington Schools is offering two options for the 2020-2021 school year. First is our on-site learning, which is a full 5-day week of on-site learning, following CDC guidelines for distancing and sanitizing. Next is the Farmington Virtual Academy, which is a 100% online option. For more information on both options you can see our website at http://www.farmcards.org
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Farmcards news
We are excited to introduce Farmington Virtual Academy! FVA is a K-12 100% online virtual academic program offered by Farmington Schools. More information about FVA can be found here: https://5il.co/idbr You sign your student up for FVA using this form: https://bit.ly/3h2JGKE
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Farmington Virtual Academy
We are excited to introduce Farmington Virtual Academy! FVA is a K-12 100% online virtual academic program offered by Farmington Schools. More information about FVA can be found here: https://5il.co/idbr You can sign your student up for FVA using this form: https://bit.ly/3h2JGKE
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Farmington Virtual Academy